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International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering >>Vol. 13 No. 6 (December) Issue in Process

International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Performance Comparison of Cross and Rectangular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation over Nakagami Fading Channels for Equal Energy Case

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Author Syed Shahan Shah, Shahzad Amin Sheikh
ISSN 2306-708X
On Pages 32-36
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 3
Issue Date -------
Publishing Date ------
Keywords MGF (moment generating function), SEP (symbol error probability), QAM (quadrature amplitudemodulation), EEC (Equal Energy Case).


In this paper SEP (symbol error probability) performance of Cross and rectangular QAM is compared over Nakagami fading channels for EEC (Equal Energy Case). The SEP expressions are derived using MGF (moment generating function) approach and are composed of linear sum of integrals that have integrands that are exponential and trigonometric functions. SEP expressions of cross and rectangular QAM are considered for AWGN channel that only contains Q-functions. Equal Energy Case states that Euclidean distance „d? between symbols points of rectangular QAM, when reduced provides comparable average energy with that of cross QAM but still it would not affect the SEP performance of rectangular QAM. Cross QAM provides considerably better performance and can obtain gain of at least 1.1 dB over rectangular QAM, when SEP is less than 0.3 in Nakagami fading channels. The better performance is due to the cross shaped constellation structure of cross QAM

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