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International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering >>Vol. 13 No. 6 (December) Issue in Process

International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Examination Of IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee Multi-Hop Transmission In Wireless Body Area Networks

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Author M. Mateen Yaqoob, 2Imran Israr, Mansoor Mustafa, Aziz Ur Rehman
ISSN 2306-708X
On Pages 33-37
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 1
Issue Date April 01, 2013
Publishing Date April 01, 2013
Keywords WBANs, Multi-hop, Zigbee, Multiple frequencies


Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) in recent years is emerged as the most demanding research area. WBAN is concerned with the remote monitoring of patients health and timely delivery of sensed data. IEEE developed a standard for low power and low data rate communication which is IEEE 802.15.4; it is widely known also Zigbee. Sensor nodes in WBAN require different data rates, due to their different applications. Zigbee due to its low power and low data rate features is the ideal candidate for communication in WBAN. In this paper multi-hop Zigbee communication for WBAN is considered and nodes with different data rates are used. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of Zigbee for multi-hop transmission in WBAN with varying data rates and different frequencies. We consider a real-time scenario of a hospital where different patients with their symptoms like Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Blood pressure etc. are monitored. We simulate this scenario by taking into account the different frequencies and data rates.

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