Using Lego Mindsorms NXT Robots for Pitch and Line Marking Illustration of Football Stadiums
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Author | I A Hameed |
ISSN | 2306-708X |
On Pages | 52-57 |
Volume No. | 2 |
Issue No. | 1 |
Issue Date | April 01, 2013 |
Publishing Date | April 01, 2013 |
Keywords | Robotics, education; automation, football, autonomous navigation; FIFA |
Teaching robotics to young students is a very good introduction into science and technology. Not only do they learn how to design, construct, and programming a small robot but they also get a more complete idea about what is required for implementing, simulating and commercializing a complete system to act properly in the real world. Educational materials have been developed and summer courses and competitions are organized to encourage young students to develop their skills in these areas. In this paper, students are using Lego Mindstorm NXT robots for carrying out pitch and line marking illustrations which are costly and periodical work in football stadiums. A scaled-dawn football stadium according to FIFA standards is constructed and used to test the accuracy of developed robotic system. An implement unit consisting of a motor drive unit carrying a whiteboard marker pen is constructed for carrying out the line marking illustration. A path planning algorithm for generating the waypoints required for guiding the robot throughout this process is used. The robot unit is programmed to move in straight lines from point to point and in circular lines to carry out the required field operation. The developed kit is very useful in showing students the importance of field robotics and how it can be used for carrying out real life field operations.