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International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering >>Vol. 13 No. 6 (December) Issue in Process

International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Investigate the Impact of Education Factor and Activity Status of Internet Users

Full Text Pdf Pdf
Author ShadiAmininezhadKoshki
ISSN 2306-708X
On Pages 59-62
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 4
Issue Date -------
Publishing Date ------
Keywords Information and Communication Technology, Internet, Economic cycle, Electronic commerce


Present study aims to investigate how some important factors such as education and activity status can influence on behavior of using the Internet and benefiting from information technology through accessing to theInternet in Iran. It is obvious that there is a strong relation between information technology and have a successful electronic commerce by accessing to the Internet.Information and communication technology have an undeniable impress on developing of many industries in each country and transform them to a profitable one.The potential of the Internet and communication technology is to create connections between firms which are far from each other on the world.Many people trade in various forms like wholesaling and retailing and can use new technology to raise quantity and quality levels of their products and participate in global electronic marketplace. Electronic commerce in developing countries can constitute a major economy part of each country and can bevery profitablefor thecountry and may have a positive effect in every country's economic cycle.The Internet provides a new way to trade goods and services with decreasing transition costs. Data collection from total households in Iran was done by Statistical Center ofIran in 2012, whereas Excel software was used to displaydata onthe graphs. Results of this paper suggest that more than half of the Internet users in Iran that they have over 6 years old have academic degree. According to the statistics increase in the level of educational degree have a direct effect on using the Internet in Iran and the largest group of Internet users are students. So, government with rising levels of education in country can increased use of information technology through world wide web and make a conscious and entrepreneur nation andmake a chance for people to compete with new ideas of great companies and standardize their products.

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