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International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering >>Vol. 13 No. 6 (December) Issue in Process

International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Designing of PhotovoltaicFuel CellWind Hybrid System Considering Failure and Repair Rate

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Author Saber ArabiNowdehand Mahdi Hajibeigy
ISSN 2306-708X
On Pages 1-11
Volume No. 2
Issue No. 4
Issue Date -------
Publishing Date ------
Keywords optimal sizing, reliability indices, failure and repair rate, modifiedPSO algorithm.


In this paper a stand-alone Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell/Wind Hybrid System (PFWS) considering failure and repair rate of components is optimized with aim of optimal sizing based on a modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm. The optimal sizing problem has not been addressed sufficiently yet considering failure and repair rate and expected generation energy of hybrid system. The optimal sizing is implemented based on reliability of load supply with a minimum cost of energy (CE).The PFWS costs involve investments, operation and maintenance as well as loss of load costs. In this paper the impact of failure and repair rate of PFWS components is investigated on optimal sizing. The results showed that considering failure and repair rate causes more reliability level of load supply, so to achieve the actual behavior of PFWS, the failure and repair rate of components must be considered in suitable insight to designer for supply the load and not considering the rates causes better reliability indices but this is misleading to design the PFWS, technically and economically.

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